Monday, March 22, 2010

The Beginning

Wow, I am now a blogger.. well if just owning a blog page means that, then yeah. I am actually starting one now. Last night, I couldn't get myself to sleep. Probably because I just finished doing night shifts that my body clock is still trying to adjust. My mind kept on wondering about different things from work, marriage, video games, outings, etc. One thought that stayed with me for the longest time is about the projects that I have started but never did really make the most out of. I have done sketching. After filling up a few pages in my sketch pad, I have not picked it up again. I also have been in photography. I have created a solid number of good photo albums but again I have not produced another for quite a while. I would like to return to this but I do not want to look like I am joining the 365 project bandwagon. I would like to do something different.

How about videos? Seemed like a pretty good idea to me. I already have been doing shorts with my son as the main subject. I would really want to produce one hell of an artistic video. One problem though is that I do not have a really good video camera. I have an old analog video camera that uses Hi8 videotapes. I need to have a USB video converter before I can transfer my videos into the laptop for editing. So it looks like I would be stuck using my Canon Powershot as my video camera. It will be very limiting in terms of video features. But hey, being artistic should not be limited to the medium. One's imagination and creativity should surpass whatever limits one medium has. So it is decided. Creating videos will be my new project.

This is what my blog site will be mostly about, the projects that I will try out through out my life. That may be something trivial like learning how to cook a dish or something life changing like getting an operation. Anything that I would like to try out and make my life more fulfilling, I will try to post it all here.

So let us see where this will take us. Enjoy!

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