Saturday, June 12, 2010

On Track

It feels good to be back. Bringing myself back on the health wagon is one great idea that I haven't had for a long long time. It is good to feel this fit again. I feel my blood pressure returning to normal (although I haven't checked it). I liked that I am watching my diet again. I have been avoiding calorie laden drinks and sticking to water. It is great that there is this water drink now available commericially that has a bit of fruity taste. It takes care of my sweet cravings. More so, it has L-Carnatine that will help me shed off the fat that I have accumulated for the past months. I have bought yogurts as my snacks. It is also great that there are now a number of new flavors to choose from. It just shows that the market is now aware that a lot of people want to become healthy. One just has to be smart to see through marketing gimmicks and know what really is good for the health.

I have made one big step on my fitness project. I need to keep this up even when my work schedule changes. I want myself to remember this feeling, the feeling of going on the right health track. Keep it up.

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